STRONGER: Families

Robby BradfordChristian living, discipleship, family, parenting, preaching and teaching, wisdomLeave a Comment

Wow!  I have really enjoyed this series that has explored the closest relationships in our lives–marriage and family.  Today’s message dealt with the challenges of building a household culture full of discipline, submission and honor.  To end the message today, we also addressed how to honor adult children and how adult children can honor their parents.  Check it out!  I … Read More

Encouraging the Child Who is Called to the Ministry

Robby Bradfordcalling, discipleship, family, ministry preparation, parenting, River City Leadership CollegeLeave a Comment

Many times in my life, people have imagined that I am the son of a preacher.  I’m not.  Dad was a scientist.  Mom was a special education teacher.  I guess they thought that because I started expressing a desire to be a minister at the age of 13.  I started accepting invitations to speak in youth groups and churches as … Read More

How to Raise Kids who Love God and the Church

Robby Bradfordchurch, discipleship, family, parenting, spiritual growth, wisdom2 Comments

My friend David has amazing kids. It’s not because he constantly brags on them, either!  They excel in school, sports, and work. They are popular and have good social and personal habits.  Beyond that, and more importantly, they are unusually devoted believers to Christ.  They worship openly in public, they pray in private and have a great grasp of the … Read More

5 Principles for Stronger Fatherhood

Robby Bradforddiscipleship, family, fatherhood, Fathers, parentingLeave a Comment

From a message I preached this last Father’s Day come a number of strong principles for Fatherhood. Greatness as a father is found in sacrifice, not achievement.  What makes a great father is not what he builds or where he succeeds.  My own father’s greatest achievements in fatherhood may have happened when he was experiencing a prolonged unemployment in the … Read More


Robby Bradforddiscipleship, family, generations, Jesus Christ, parables, parenting, preaching, Sunday themes, teachingLeave a Comment

This last Sunday we took a look at the parable of the prodigal son told by Jesus in Luke 15.  We took away 4 powerful lessons on this story. Take a listen on the link below.  What a day it was in God’s house and in God’s Word! This Sunday we’ll be completing the Generations Series.  Looking to see the … Read More

Wayne Rice at Full Life Conference 2013

Robby BradfordChurch life, discipleship, family, First Assembly Community Ministries, Full Life Conference, generations, outreach, parentingLeave a Comment

Wow!  If you missed the first night of the Full Life Conference at First Assembly Community Ministries in Lafayette, Indiana, you missed some rich, rich content from our guest Wayne Rice. Wayne Rice, co-founder of Youth Specialties with 50 years experience working with youth and their families delivered a powerful teaching on how to pass on faith to children and … Read More

Bob Smiley Appearing THIS FRIDAY!

Robby BradfordBob Smiley, Church life, community, First Assembly Community Ministries, Full Life Conference, fun, outreach, parentingLeave a Comment

In less than one week – on Friday, October 4th – First Assembly Community Ministries is hosting a Family Comedy Concert with Bob Smiley and YOU’RE INVITED!! Please join us for a night of fun and laughter. Tickets are only $15 – and if you bring a group of 8 or more, the tickets are $10 each. With less than … Read More

GENERATIONS: Sons & Daughters

Robby Bradforddiscipleship, family, First Assembly Community Ministries, generations, Old Testament, parenting, Sunday message series, Sunday morning, Sunday themesLeave a Comment

Yesterday, Associate Pastor Todd Hair continued our series by bringing what so many have said was an excellent message on “Sons & Daughters”.  He took the story of Noah and his three sons and applied it to the relationships we have in our families.  How does one honor parents?  How does one overcome family strife? Find the answers here by … Read More

GENERATIONS: Fathers & Mothers

Robby BradfordBlessing, discipleship, family, generations, genesis, Old Testament, parenting, preaching, Sunday message series, Sunday morning, teachingLeave a Comment

This last Sunday was a significant time together in God’s Word and in God’s presence!  The big idea, drawn from the story of Jacob and Esau, was that Fathers and Mothers have extraordinary power to bless or to harm the next generation.  God’s doing something powerful in our church and in our lives through these messages on different things the … Read More