Robby Bradfordcharacter, discipleship, drama, grow, interpersonal conflict, leadership development, relate, relationships, Stronger, wisdomLeave a Comment

FIREWORKS!  Sometimes they’re beautiful, but when fireworks go off in your head or your heart, they can maim or kill relationships. This is the third post on the subject of drama on this blog.  The first one can be found by clicking here.  The second one can be found by clicking here. When a person’s life is full of drama–seeking … Read More

STRONGER–4 Principles of Conflict Resolution

Robby Bradfordfamily, friendship, interpersonal conflict, Jesus Christ, New Testament, relationships, StrongerLeave a Comment

For the next three weeks, I’ll be posting regarding some area that touches the present series of messages I’m delivering at First Assembly Community Ministries called “Stronger”. “Stronger” is a series of messages focused on becoming stronger at relationships, particularly relationships in the family.  (You can learn more about the “Stronger” series by clicking here. Today, I’m addressing resolving conflict.  Jesus talked about interpersonal … Read More

UNITED: How to Have a Good Church Fight

Robby BradfordActs, Church life, community, conflict, conflict resolution, confrontation, discipleship, early Christianity, ecclesiology, First Assembly Community Ministries, interpersonal conflict, New Testament, unity, wisdomLeave a Comment

Last Sunday’s message picked up the early church’s story of conflict found in Acts 15 and led us to a very helpful system for dealing with conflict in the church today. Few messages are filled with the kind of practical, concrete plan this one is.  Enjoy!

UNITED Outline Week 2

Robby Bradfordcommunity, conflict, conflict resolution, early Christianity, forgiveness, interpersonal conflict, New Testament, preaching, Sunday message series, Sunday morning, teaching, unityLeave a Comment

In case you missed this morning’s services, here is the outline from today’s message.  Next week, we’ll walk through the powerful words of Romans 14 given to the weak and the strong that have everything to do with how to maintain unity. UNITED:  How to Have a Good Church Fight BIG IDEA:  Resolving conflict biblically is the well-handled skill of … Read More

4 Steps to Dealing with Overpowering People

Robby Bradforddiscipleship, interpersonal conflict, leadership, leadership development, relate, relationshipsLeave a Comment

So, you’ve got that person in front of you again.  The one you dread meeting at the office or at school or at church.  You have to deal with this person.  There’s really no clear way of getting around them or writing them off.  Instead of just distancing yourself from strong-willed, strong personalities, it’s time to figure out how to … Read More