Sometimes we expect so much perfection at Christmas and sometimes it ends up feeling rotten anyway. So what is the power and significance of Christmas anyway? That’s what we’re looking at in this message. Check out the outline and the video below. Pick up the video at 02:55:17 to see where the video and then my message begin. The Worst … Read More
21 Myths: Jesus is Just a Legend
One way or another people sometimes make this claim while trying to deny the historicity of Jesus and the resurrection. It was just a legend. Jesus died and then legends about him arose later, and that was where we get the gospels and Paul’s letters. The problem with this is that we have eyewitnesses reports (that go back to the … Read More
21 Myths–Jesus Mirrors Pagan Religions
This myth is repeated a lot on the internet. I’ve heard and read all kinds of conspiracy theories (especially on the internet). Osiris. Krishna. Horus. Mithras. Dionysus. Adonis. Just to name a few. As Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code, put it, “Nothing in Christianity is original.” So how does one answer these criticisms? For one, these … Read More
21 Myths: There are Other Gospels
CNN loves to talk about them. National Geographic has spilled plenty of ink covering them. They are the darlings of the media whenever they turn up somehow and especially when they tell any kind of story or say anything that directly casts doubt on any of the four canonical gospels. They also stir up plenty of money for those who … Read More
21 Myths: Jesus Wants Me to be Rich
I wish Jesus were simplistic, but he is painstakingly balanced and complex. Simplistic minds and simplistic teachers have created one of the most distorted and deforming myths about Jesus the world has ever told. Particularly driven by American-style consumerism and materialism, some Christians have imagined and proclaimed a Savior who not only wants to take us to heaven, but who … Read More
21 Myths: Jesus Was All About Love and Peace
Would the real Jesus please stand up?People who have a somewhat distant awareness of the content of the gospels end up bringing this myth to life from time to time.It’s the idea of a soft Jesus who maybe got angry once in the temple.It’s the notion that Jesus would never have actually had any hard feelings with any sin.It’s the … Read More