STRONGER–Series for November 2015

Robby Bradforddiscipleship, family, First Assembly Community Ministries, marriage, relate, relationships, Sunday message seriesLeave a Comment

Whether you’re single, married, divorced or widowed, I promise this 4-week series will have something for you. Our relationships with each other are greatly challenged by our basic sinful human nature. In November, we’ll spend some time focused on biblical, practical messages about making our relationships stronger and overcoming some of the tendencies that are with us because we are … Read More


Robby BradfordChurch life, discipleship, discover, First Assembly Community Ministries1 Comment

I’m excited to announce that we will offering the Discover Class on Wednesday evenings at First Assembly! We’re offering the 4-part class from 6:30 to 8:00 on Wednesday nights. that will help people discover more about themselves, their faith and their church.  This will be happening in room 237, but if you don’t know where that is, come into the main … Read More

Life on Mission–Fall 2015

Robby Bradfordchurchwide campaigns, evangelism, First Assembly Community Ministries, outreach, preaching and teaching, sermon series, spiritual campaigns, Sunday message series, witnessingLeave a Comment

So, what are you here for?That’s the question asked in the churchwide series that children, youth and adults are being asked throughout our ministries–one Sunday mornings, in our Life Groups and in our departmental ministries like Nexus and Kidztown.This is a series about the reason why Christians are still living on earth–to be a witness for Jesus Christ and help … Read More

John Bevere Coming to First Assembly

Robby Bradfordcommunity outreach, events, First Assembly Community Ministries, Indiana, John Bevere, LafayetteLeave a Comment

John Bevere, internationally-known author and speaker, is coming to First Assembly Community Ministries at 108 Beck Lane in Lafayette, Indiana on Tuesday, August 25 at 7PM to present a message connected to his latest book, Good or God. Bevere, known for exceptional inspiration and insight into the Christian faith, has roots in Greater Lafayette, as he attended Purdue and First … Read More

First Assembly Offers Career and Resource Fair

Robby BradfordAdventure Station, Church life, Community center, community development, Community First, First Assembly Community Ministries, Lafayette, outreachLeave a Comment

First Assembly CommunityMinistries and the First Assembly Community Center announce “Community First Day” on Wednesday, July 29 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm at First Assembly‘s campus at 108 Beck Lane. This is a free family-friendly event.   If you are seeking employment, local employers and agencies will be set up for you to meet with on the spot.  Community resources are another … Read More

AD–A Supernatural Church

Robby BradfordA.D., First Assembly Community Ministries, healing, Holy Spirit, preaching, teachingLeave a Comment

What does the Bible say about healing? What does it mean when you don’t get healed? How can the excesses of some Christians regarding physical healing be addressed? Check out the message and the outline below to see what God’s word has to say about physical and emotional healing! Acts 9:32-43 “32 Now it came to pass, as Peter went through … Read More

Community Center Call to Compassion at Claystone

Robby BradfordChurch life, community, Community center, community development, CommunityFIRST, First Assembly Community MinistriesLeave a Comment

First Assembly has always been such a great supporter of Food Finders’ food bank, and I know has a keen interest in Claystone at the Crossing, so I wanted to share a unique (and easy!) volunteer need that there this summer with Food Finders! As you may know, one of Food Finders’ cornerstone programs is to provide free lunches during the … Read More

First Assembly Certified as a Great Workplace!

Robby BradfordChurch life, First Assembly Community Ministries, organizational cultured, River City Leadership CollegeLeave a Comment

Those who work at First Assembly Community Ministries know it is a great place to work. Now, the Best Christian Workplaces Institute has verified what they’ve always known to be the case! Through conducting a survey of all the employees of the church, The Best Christian Workplaces Institute, located in Mercer Island, Washington took an objective snapshot of the First … Read More