The Journey Through–Purpose

Robby Bradforddirection, dreams, faith, future, Joseph, Old Testament, preaching and teaching, purpose, spiritual gifts, will of GodLeave a Comment

How can you know and fulfill your God-given purpose?  That’s the big question of this powerful series on the life of Joseph that we completed this past Sunday.See the outline and check out the video as posted below!  I’ve greatly appreciated this series and what it’s done in the lives of those who have taken it in! The Journey Through–Purpose … Read More

PRAY-ER: Why Pray?

Robby Bradforddiscipleship, faith, prayer, preaching and teaching, Sovereignty of God, spiritual disciplines, will of GodLeave a Comment

So many of us give up on prayer before we really get started! This message talks about why we don’t pray and why we should! Check out the message notes and the video below. Tomorrow, I’ll continue this series by talking about the connection between prayer and victory!  Join me then at First Assembly Community Ministries in Lafayette, Indiana or … Read More

21 Myths: A Natural Explanation for the “Resurrection”

Robby Bradfordapologetics, Christian origins, faith, Jesus Christ, New Testament, resurrection, truthLeave a Comment

Maybe you’ve heard or thought a version of this myth– “He never really died, but became conscious and left the tomb.” “His disciples stole the body and fabricated the story of resurrection.” “The disciples had hallucinations about Jesus and that’s where we get the stories of a risen Christ.” “Jesus’ enemies stole his body, and his disciples made it up.” … Read More

Community FIRST: How Can I Participate?

Robby BradfordChurch life, Community center, community development, Community First, faith, giving, visionLeave a Comment

Last Sunday was a snowy day!  It seems a foot of the white stuff fell and kept a lot of people away from First Assembly.  We moved ahead with the service and with our series Community FIRST. We’re looking at the promised land again and the opportunities that were there for Joshua and the children of Israel.  What happens when … Read More

Community FIRST: How to Step In

Robby BradfordChurch life, discipleship, faith, First Assembly Community Ministries, risk, visionLeave a Comment

This past Sunday, we continued our series called “Community FIRST”.  We’re focused on putting First Assembly into our community, but this message especially focuses on the fact that we must follow God closely because he usually stays ahead of it. Based on Joshua 3, this messages also focuses on receiving from God when we take risks in accordance with what … Read More

3 Keys to Seeing Prayer Answered

Robby Bradford31 Days, discipleship, faith, Jesus Christ, prayer, Question and AnswerLeave a Comment

Here is #12 of 31 Questions in 31 Days! To learn more about this 31 Day series, just search “31 Questions” in the search bar above or click here! Q #12:  What is the key to having God answer our prayers?A:  This question is actually being asked by someone I would describe as a lifelong Christian.  One of the things I love about … Read More

Do You Have to be Dunked to be Baptized?

Robby Bradford31 questions, baptism, baptizo, Christian origins, Christianity, discipleship, doctrine, faith, immersion, New TestamentLeave a Comment

Here is #10 of 31 Questions in 31 Days! To learn more about this 31 Day series, just search “31 Questions” in the search bar above or click here! Q #10: Do you have to be completely submerged to be baptized? This question touches on a number of questions relating to baptism and our church. In the most simplistic way to answer, YES, … Read More


Robby BradfordChristianity, discipleship, faith, hope, Old Testament, preachingLeave a Comment

Wow!  This last Sunday’s services were absolutely powerful!  Seeing people reach out to God with faith and to worship God in the context of positive expecation!  That was a wonderful thing to accomplish.  I’m still rejoicing about all we saw God do in the lives of people!  Below are videos of the message and the entire worship service.  Faith trusts, … Read More

Promise Fulfilled

Robby Bradfordadvent, Christmas, faith, Old Testament, prophecyLeave a Comment

“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. In those days and at that time    I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line;    he will do what is just and right in the land.In those days Judah will be saved    and Jerusalem will live in safety.This is the name by … Read More