Moving to the Center

Robby Bradfordassimilation, church growth, Church life, first assembly, First Assembly of God Lafayette, strategic planLeave a Comment

If you attend First Assembly of God here in Lafayette, you probably have noticed an increase in attendance over the past several months.  For those of you who are interested, here is a quick overview–our average Sunday morning attendance has seen an adult increase of 244 people on average per Sunday in 2011 over the same period in 2010! That … Read More

Visioneering Process Update

Robby Bradfordchurch growth, Church life, first assembly, First Assembly of God Lafayette, strategic planLeave a Comment

For the seven months, our church has been involved in a Strategic Planning Process.  It started in January with a 21 day fast, involving a personal retreat I took to try to hear from God more on the issue of the overall vision, direction and plan for First Assembly. In February, the pastoral staff, the deacons and a few from … Read More

A Second Visioneering Meeting

Robby Bradford2011 Vision Meeting, Church life, core values, first assembly, First Assembly of God Lafayette, mission, mission statement, strategic plan, vision, vision statementLeave a Comment

This Sunday evening, April 17 at 6:30, we will be having the second of two Vision 2011 Meetings.  Everyone who considers First Assembly their church home is encouraged to be present and participate.  This coming Sunday night, we will briefly review the core values, mission, vision and goals of First Assembly that were presented in some detail at the first … Read More

Visioneering Summarized

Robby Bradford2011 Vision Meeting, core values, first assembly, First Assembly of God Lafayette, Indiana, mission, strategic plan, vision, vision statementLeave a Comment

The following post brings together the four significant parts of our strategic plan:  Core Values, Mission, Vision, and Goals.We have identified five Core Values: Discover, Experience, Relate, Serve, and Grow. I might talk about them in the following ways:Discover: This value expresses our desire to be a church where everyone on the spectrum between unbeliever and mature believer has the … Read More

Visioneering, part 2

Robby Bradfordchurch growth, Church life, core values, discover, experience, First Assembly of God Lafayette, grow, mission, relate, serve, strategic plan, visionLeave a Comment

A couple weeks back I posted a blog called, “Visioneering“. It was one of the most well-read blogs I have written up to this point! I planned when I wrote it that I would visit the four components of the strategic plan we’ve written for First Assembly here. Next Sunday, April 3 at 6:30PM, we’ll be having the first of … Read More