Waiting on David

Robby Bradfordadvent, Bible, Bible study, Christianity, Christmas, Covenant, Davidic Covenant, discipleship, Jesus Christ, Judaism, New Testament, Old Testament, prophecy, spirituality, the BibleLeave a Comment

Advent, the Christian season that starts the Christian calendar and focuses on the coming of Jesus, starts today!  Throughout Advents (ending on Christmas Day), I’m posting thoughts about the coming of Jesus and explaining some things about Christmas that might not be clear to you.Have you ever wondered why Jesus is referred to as the son of David in the … Read More

21 Myths: Jesus’ Resurrection is all the Resurrection There Is

Robby Bradford21 myths, Christianity, death, doctrine, early Christianity, eschatology, heaven, Jesus Christ, Judaism, judgment day, life after death, New Testament, resurrection, theologyLeave a Comment

A lot of Christians in the 21st century, it seems, have lost touch with the ancient, New Testament idea of the resurrection.  Many Christians are mystified by the teaching of the New Testament about resurrection, assuming that arriving in spirit in heaven is the end of blessed existence.However, ancient Judaism (Jesus and the apostles and much of the earliest church … Read More

Beautiful Feet

Robby Bradfordadvent, Bible study, Christmas, discipleship, Jesus Christ, Judaism, New Testament, Old Testament, spirituality, the BibleLeave a Comment

 How beautiful on the mountains   are the feet of those who bring good news,who proclaim peace,   who bring good tidings,   who proclaim salvation,who say to Zion,   “Your God reigns!”8 Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;   together they shout for joy.When the LORD returns to Zion,   they will see it with their own eyes.9 Burst into songs of joy together,   you ruins of Jerusalem,for the LORD has comforted his … Read More

God’s Highway

Robby Bradfordadvent, Christmas, discipleship, Jesus Christ, Judaism, New Testament, Old Testament, prophecy, spiritual growth, spiritualityLeave a Comment

Comfort, comfort my people,    says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,    and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed,    that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand    double for all her sins.  3 A voice of one calling:“In the wilderness prepare   the way for the LORD[a];make straight in the desert   a highway for our God.[b]4 Every valley shall be raised up,   every … Read More