So, it’s come and gone. No rapture, no global earthquake. What lessons could Christians take from this unfortunate PR disaster? It’s true this was a small following that made bold pronouncements that the world would end on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 6PM, but Family Radio had 2000 billboards, dozens of radio stations, and were broadcasting into 30 languages. For … Read More
A Christian Response to the Killing of Osama bin Laden
I perceive a divided opinion among Christians over the killing of Osama bin Laden. Some Christians are thrilled at the news that bin Laden is dead at the hands of American special forces. Other Christians believe the proper response is almost mourning, as bin Laden has been sent, almost certainly, to a Christ-less eternity. Perhaps I am foolish to try … Read More
May 2011 Series: THE CROSS
May 8-29, 2011, I’ll be delivering a series of messages on the richest theme in the scriptures: The Cross. We’ll look at what it means generally and how it applies to our lives. This will be a great time for long-time followers of Christ to renew and sharpen their understanding of how the cross of Jesus applies not only … Read More
Stille Zaterdag
My family and I spent two wonderful years in the Netherlands, in a town outside of Amsterdam called Hilversum. We had the privilege of planting an international church with a team of a dozen other people. Every year we were there, we held an Easter egg hunt on the Saturday before Easter. The title of this posting comes from the … Read More
Easter Bunny Theology
Sometimes church people and even well-meaning pastors miss some of the most amazing moments for reaching people through the cultural windows that are present and create opportunities for the gospel to come alive. I’m thinking about those moments in the Christian calendar that intersect with a huge cross-section of nominal Christians–Christmas and Easter. Tomorrow is Easter. Just today, as a … Read More
I don’t know how it is where you are, but where I live it is raining and kind of raw outside, like most Good Fridays I’ve experienced in my life. On Good Friday, I find my mind drifting to the central image of my faith–the crucifixion of Jesus. A lot happened that day, and they put him on the cross … Read More
Does the Old Testament Contradict the New?
Q: Leviticus 11 mentions “unclean” foods that we should not eat, but Mark 7 says that it is not what goes “in” that makes a man unclean but what comes “out” of his heart. Why do the Old and New Testaments contradict each other? Interesting question! This was turned in to me via email and asks an appropriate question that … Read More
Reflections on Lent
You may know someone this last week who began observing Lent, the 40 day period preceding Easter. It’s a time when Christians prepare for the coming of Holy Week and Easter through prayer, fasting, alms-giving and self-denial. Some call it the “Spring Training” of Christianity! In fact, this past week started the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday … Read More