Us and Them

Robby Bradfordassimilation, Christianity, church growth, Church life, community, fellowship, First Assembly of God Lafayette, leadership, social dynamicsLeave a Comment

I’m working to become a person who constantly realizes it’s not just about “Us and Them”.  The “Us and Them” mentality creeps in easily at church.  Those who are already a part running a particular ministry or enjoy membership in a certain group or have been a part of the church for a long time can easily begin to see themselves as separate from the rest.  Without meaning to, they can see those from the outside as unwelcome or even as threats to the goodness of their group.

Us and Them can take over when a group of people think they are distinct from the rest of the church.  They end up seeing people on the outside as invaders.  They like being together and doing things in a certain way and don’t do so well when it comes to accepting and assimilating those outside their group.

Ever experienced that?

I can remember as a teenager finding it difficult to fit in to my youth group.  I was new.  The kids who ran the group were those whose parents had always been there.  We were new to the church.  Us and Them almost pushed me away from Jesus altogether.

I never want to push anyone away from Jesus.

I recently was talking with someone who expressed that our church was a place that was letting go of the “Us and Them” mentality.  This meant that the person I was talking with had finally found a way to serve in a children’s ministry at First Assembly.

That’s the kind of thing that happens when it’s just “Us.”  Unity that invites “whosoever” to join in.  That’s what I want to be a part of!  

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